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Helpful Tips for College Application Essays: Expert Reviewers Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling: Providing Insights on College Application Essays thumbnail

Helpful Tips for College Application Essays: Expert Reviewers Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling: Providing Insights on College Application Essays

Published Oct 15, 23
5 min read

New Bridge Education Consulting: College Application Essay Assistance

New Bridge Education Consulting offers comprehensive college application essay assistance services to high school graduates from Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. They understand the importance of crafting personalized and compelling essays that stand out to college admissions officers. Whether students need help navigating the college application process, developing their main essay, or perfecting their supplementary essays, New Bridge's team of knowledgeable consultants is dedicated to helping students showcase their talents and achieve their goals.

1. College Consulting: Helping Students Navigate the College Application Process

One of the key services offered by New Bridge Education Consulting is college consulting. They provide guidance and support to help students navigate the complex college application process. Their experienced consultants have a deep understanding of different educational settings and can help students explore their options, select the right schools, and understand the application requirements.

By working with New Bridge, students can gain valuable insights and advice to make informed decisions about their college choices. From creating a college list to strategizing application timelines, New Bridge's college consulting services ensure that students are prepared and confident throughout the application process.

Learn more about New Bridge's college consulting services here.

2. One-on-One Main Essay Development: Crafting a Personalized and Compelling Application Essay

The main essay is a crucial component of the college application process, as it allows students to showcase their unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations. New Bridge Education Consulting offers one-on-one main essay development to help students craft personalized and compelling essays.

Their team of experienced consultants and writing specialists work closely with students to brainstorm essay topics, develop outlines, and edit drafts. They provide guidance on structure, content, and writing style to ensure that the essay effectively portrays the student's strengths and resonates with admissions officers.

With New Bridge's one-on-one main essay development service, students can confidently present their authentic selves to colleges and increase their chances of acceptance.

Get started with New Bridge's one-on-one main essay development service here.

3. The Comprehensive Process of Writing a College Application Essay

Writing a college application essay can be a daunting task for many students. New Bridge Education Consulting understands the importance of a comprehensive approach to essay writing and offers a structured process to guide students through the essay development process.

Their comprehensive process includes brainstorming sessions, outlining, drafting, and revising. Students receive personalized feedback and suggestions at each stage to help them refine their essays and enhance their storytelling skills.

By following New Bridge's comprehensive process, students can develop well-crafted essays that captivate readers and effectively convey their unique qualities and experiences.

4. Supplementary Essay Development: Standing Out with Unique Short Writing Pieces

In addition to the main essay, many selective colleges require students to submit supplementary essays. These short writing pieces provide an opportunity for students to showcase their interests, experiences, and perspectives in a more focused manner.

New Bridge Education Consulting offers supplementary essay development services to help students stand out with unique and compelling short essays. Their team of consultants assists students in crafting responses that align with each college's specific prompts and demonstrate a deep understanding of the institution.

With New Bridge's supplementary essay development service, students can effectively communicate their passions and demonstrate their fit for each college they apply to.

5. College Essay Review: Expert Evaluation and Suggestions for Improvement

New Bridge Education Consulting also offers a college essay review service for students who have already written their essays. Their lead counselor and writing specialist evaluate the essay and provide expert feedback and suggestions for improvement.

The essay review focuses on elements such as style, voice, clarity, and overall story logic. Through this service, students receive precise and individualized feedback that helps them strengthen their essays and make them more impactful.

Learn more about New Bridge's college essay review service here.

New Bridge Educational Consulting: A Team of Committed and Knowledgeable Consultants

6. Meet the Consultants: Stephanie Bartling and Linda Lowen

New Bridge Education Consulting is led by Stephanie Bartling and Linda Lowen, two dedicated consultants with extensive experience in college admissions and counseling.

Stephanie Bartling, the lead counselor, has over 25 years of experience in admissions and college counseling. Her holistic and individualized approach emphasizes understanding each student's unique background, passions, and goals to help them achieve success in the college admissions process.

Linda Lowen, a writing specialist at New Bridge, brings her expertise in crafting impactful essays. With a deep understanding of the elements that make an essay stand out, Linda provides valuable insights and guidance to help students elevate their writing.

Learn more about Stephanie Bartling and Linda Lowen here.

7. Getting Your Best Essay: The Importance of a Comprehensive Essay Review

A comprehensive essay review is an essential step in the college application essay process. New Bridge Education Consulting understands the importance of this review and the impact it can have on the overall quality of the essay.

Their essay review service focuses on providing precise and individualized feedback on style, voice, clarity, and story logic. By analyzing these elements within the context of college admissions, New Bridge helps students strengthen their essays and present their best work to admissions officers.

With New Bridge's comprehensive essay review, students can improve the overall effectiveness of their essays and increase their chances of acceptance.

8. Expert Reviewers: Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling's Insights and Feedback

The essay coaching services offered by New Bridge Education Consulting include insights and feedback from expert reviewers Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling.

Linda Lowen, with her experience as a writing specialist, provides valuable feedback on the storyline and elements of writing in the essays. Her insights help students enhance their writing style, strengthen their voice, and ensure clarity in their storytelling.

Stephanie Bartling, with her extensive background in college admissions and counseling, offers strategic guidance and feedback on the overall effectiveness and impact of the essays. Her insights help students refine their essays and create a strong narrative that resonates with admissions officers.

By incorporating the expertise of Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling, New Bridge Education Consulting provides students with comprehensive and valuable insights to improve their essays.

9. Insights from an Award-Winning Author: Harry Bauld's Contribution to Essay Coaching

New Bridge Education Consulting also offers insights from Harry Bauld, an award-winning author and renowned expert in essay coaching. With over 30 years of experience as a professional writer and teacher, Harry Bauld provides valuable feedback and guidance on revision, compression, and attention to voice and language.

Harry Bauld's contributions to essay coaching add another layer of expertise to New Bridge's comprehensive services. His insights help students refine their essays and elevate their writing to the next level.

Learn more about Harry Bauld's contribution to essay coaching here.

Insights from an Award-Winning Author: Harry Bauld's Contribution to Essay Coaching

10. Insight from an Award-Winning Author: Harry Bauld's Contribution to Essay Coaching

New Bridge Education Consulting is proud to incorporate insights from Harry Bauld, an award-winning author and renowned expert in essay coaching. With his expertise, New Bridge provides students with valuable guidance on revision, compression, and attention to voice and language.

Harry Bauld's contributions add another layer of expertise to New Bridge's comprehensive services. Combined with the knowledge and experience of their team, New Bridge is able to provide students with the support they need to create exceptional essays that stand out to college admissions officers.

Learn more about Harry Bauld's contribution to essay coaching here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services does New Bridge Education Consulting offer?

New Bridge Education Consulting offers a range of college application essay assistance services, including college consulting, one-on-one main essay development, supplementary essay development, and expert essay review. They also provide insights and guidance from an award-winning author, Harry Bauld.

How does the one-on-one main essay development service work?

The one-on-one main essay development service offered by New Bridge Education Consulting involves working closely with experienced consultants and writing specialists to brainstorm topics, develop outlines, and edit drafts. Students receive personalized guidance on structure, content, and writing style to create a personalized and compelling application essay.

Who are the lead consultants at New Bridge Education Consulting?

New Bridge Education Consulting is led by Stephanie Bartling and Linda Lowen. Stephanie Bartling has over 25 years of experience in admissions and college counseling, while Linda Lowen brings expertise in crafting impactful essays.

How does the comprehensive essay review service benefit students?

The comprehensive essay review service provided by New Bridge Education Consulting offers precise and individualized feedback on style, voice, clarity, and story logic. This feedback helps students strengthen their essays and present their best work to college admissions officers.
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Helpful Tips for College Application Essays: Expert Reviewers Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling: Providing Insights on College Application Essays

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